Anthroposophical Astronomy


The cosmos plays a role in everything that happens on earth.

Anthroposophical astronomy is trying to understand how.




latest news - January 2024


Aster23 is a digital meeting place for people doing research in the field of Anthroposophical Astronomy, in three languages (Dutch, English, German).

General information (access and so on) is further down - feel free to forward it to people you think might be interested in this.

The latest contributions:

  • the cosmology research group is running; including Willem Beukers, Herman Gels and the editor (Dutch, other languages are planned)
  • Herman Gels has an article on squaring time, for example in Kepler's laws
  • He has also brought a collection of Steiner quotes; themes are Geistkeim and Phantom.
  • Andrew Linnell's query on research on Mercury-Venus (English) is being worked on by the editor
  • information on authors is now in a separate document on Aster23

Also interesting:

  • a question from Andrew Linnell on research on Mercury-Venus (English)
  • an extensive article by Alan Thewless on Kaspar Hauser and the constellation at the time of the Mystery of Golgotha: Cosmic Aspects in Relation to the Life of Kaspar Hauser (English)
  • in addition to this, a brief description of the three cosmic planes by the editor (English)
  • the Goethe spectrum and its applications in science - topic of a meeting in Dornach, organised by Søren Toft (German)
  • the lemniscate planetary movements; Charles Gunn on the solution by Locher and others, with a short supplement by the editor (English)
  • a comprehensive list of quotations from Rudolf Steiner on the concept of space; compiled by Charles Gunn (German)
  • Liesbeth Bisterbosch has touched on various themes in an e-mail; an extract from it is posted (German) - editor's note: with regard to the Platonic world year, it is interesting to also look at Rudolf Steiner's indication that the Earth's axis makes a lemniscate movement (GA 300c p.55 - in older editions p.90), and at the end of Atlantis made a zero degree angle with the North Pole - and so there was no vernal equinox then
  • a cosmology research group has been started; including Willem Beukers, Herman Gels is also planning to submit a contribution for it (Dutch)
  • contributions by Willem Beukers - first a text on the Big Bang, then thoughts on free will (interesting for every Anthroposophist). He writes: "In my February mail, I suggest that the spiritual being from which gravity flows bears the name of Sorat. In order not to have evil eyes of evil directed at me, I am sending another a pdf file by R. Steiner which contains a clear passage on the physiological working-through of evil, which I also include herewith. My contribution on the existence of free will also seems interesting to Aster23, because, from my point of view, for natural scientists, because of the lack of free thought in natural science, a solution to this is possible in the ideas of anthroposophical spiritual science, concerning the existence of free thought. Page 23 and page 24 of the attached pdf on the secret of the wound contains an interesting viewpoint on the functioning of good evil, which I want to share with you. " (Dutch)




Aster23 has been launched: a digital meeting place for researchers in astronomy.


3x33 years after the founding of the Section for Astronomy at the Goetheanum in Dornach, a generally accessible independent research corner has been set up with articles by various authors on topics in the fields of Anthroposophy and Astronomy and the bridge between them.


  • These articles can be read here - with " Aster23! " you get in.
  • Would you like to post your own contribution? Read about it in the information document in Aster23.
  • You can have a look for example at a list of one hundred astronomical topics in urgent need of research (in German)
  • Educated astronomers who know Anthroposophy well are scarce, and most of them retired - who feels relatively young and wants to follow in these footsteps of research on Anthroposophical Astronomy? Contact the editor directly at this address: astronomy "at" evreedeinstituut "dot" nl


"Über die jährliche Bewegung der Sonne und der Erde"


In German. 100 pages 21x21cm black and white. To view, proof read or order: Click here. Also available in most bookstores and at most internet providers. Delivered postage free in most European countries for 15 Euro, e-PDF: 5 Euro. ISBN 9783756841042, as e-book: ISBN 9783756264209

In the above simulation, the Earth is shown in blue, the Sun in red. The Earth moves on a lemniscate (green) that rotates about its short axis; the Sun similarly moves on the rotating orange lemniscate. The resulting orbits are mathematical circles, the Earth's blue and the Sun's red. In this simulation, these orbits have the same center, but are not in the same plane. Seen from the Earth, the Sun rotates around the Earth as it does in normal astrophysics (not shown separately).

"Der 33-Jahre Rhythmus im Werdegang der Menschheit"


In German. 60 pages 21x21cm black and white (partly colored).
To view, proof read or order: click here. Also available in most bookstores

and at most internet providers. Delivered postage free in most European countries for 12 Euro, e-Pub: 4 Euro. ISBN 9783755740742 and

as e-book: ISBN 9783756263998



Corrections to the above publications and articles.

1 page A4 black and white, free. To down-load click here.



  • In 2023, Aster23 was inaugurated, a digital meeting place for researchers in astronomy worldwide (see above).
  • To support its activities, the international Elisabeth Vreede Institute (EVI) was founded in the Netherlands in 2018 to promote Anthroposophic Astronomy.
  • The Free Academy in Switzerland (FA) occasionally offers working groups and courses in Anthroposophic Astronomy.


Dr. Frank Spaan

astronomer, author, advisor, mentor

Dornach / CH

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