The bookcase for the collected works

of Rudolf Steiner

We present the designer bookcase

for the Rudolf Steiner Complete Edition

(also available separately).

It offers around nine metres of book space,

This corresponds to approximately 400 GAs and is 245cm high.

The specifications are listed below and further information on the history, design and prototype can be found in the brochure.

The bookcase is manufactured by the Hug joinery (Hug-Schreinerei).

Price from 5980 € (excl. VAT / transport / customs).

Books from the complete edition in German are available from Rudolf Steiner Verlag, with special offers as part of the completion of the complete edition in 2025.

GA-Schrank Entwurf

  (Click on the picture for a spatial impression.)



The data of the bookcase for the Rudolf Steiner Complete Edition:


  •     Design: Lanz & Spaan (WIPO design protection)
  •     Based on a slightly inclined pentagon dodecahedron
  •     Number of book shelves 6
  •     Bookcase height 245cm
  •     Bookcase width 247cm
  •     Bookcase depth 25cm throughout
  •     Space for books (minimum / practical) 857cm / 900cm (approx. 400 GAs)
  •     Thickness of the pentagram and pentagon boards 19mm
  •     Thickness of the upper book shelf 19mm
  •     Thickness of the other book shelves 28mm
  •     Clearance above the top five book shelves 25.5cm
  •     Idem above the bottom shelve 32.5cm (for large format)
  •     Front angle 0 degrees
  •     The topmost book shelf is 163cm high
  •     Material: solid spruce, knotless, oiled or lacquered
  •     Price from 5980 € excl. VAT / transport / customs
  •     Made by the Hug joinery near Freiburg i.B. / DE
  •     Can be dismantled into two large and several small parts

Other designs from the same pentagon dodecahedron design, for example with seven book shelves and eleven metres of book space, are possible. The bookcase becomes correspondingly higher and wider. The following can be varied: number of book shelves, space above the book shelves, wood (type and thickness), depth of the bookcase and angle of the front.

In this case, discuss your requirements with Hug joinery and we will supply the corresponding design.


GA-Schrank Foto


The prototype of the bookcase for

the Rudolf Steiner collected works, 

here shown in the book shop in the Goetheanum.

(To enlarge, click on the image)


(The front of the prototype is at the front slightly inclined, about 5 degrees:

depth at the bottom ca. 30cm, at the top ca. 20cm)

GA-Schrank Broschüre

The brochure (16 A4 pages in German)

to read or down-load, just click on the image.

GA-Schrank Broschüre
GA-Schrank Broschüre

zum Rudolf Steiner Verlag und zur Hug Schreinerei

(klicken Sie auf das jeweilige Bild)

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